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"Monsterland is well worth 5 Stars! It's a very well researched book about a very strange place...One of the better Fortean tomes around and well worth a read..."

"I purchased this book with the normal skepticism that I have towards the "unknown" ...All I can say is that this book is an eye opener, in many many ways...The author has clearly done his homework...Two thumbs up."


"I put this book down about a few hours ago and still cannot stop thinking about it. It was that powerful.

Ronny introduces a parallel between them all that honestly blew me out of the water. I won't spoil it for you, but from the mid-point of the book I went from really enjoying it to can't-put-it-down. "

                     Amazing Book!!!!!


"This is a must read for all bigfoot researchers. The history of Leominster and the supernatural go hand in hand, it seems.


I especially liked reading about the dimensional hypothesis side of Bigfoot and his association with high-energy sites and ley lines as well as UFOs and orange balls of light...and so much's all covered in detail and makes for a fascinating read.


There is information in this book that is new and quite exciting to contemplate. It covers so much that a mere review here does the book no justice....READ IT NOW!!!!


- Iris Mentus (Amazon)

"The book covers historic accounts from the region, along with modern ones and Le Blanc's personal journey is an integral part of the text as he takes us along on some of the curious things that he has found in his explorations, all interwoven into the strange fabric of Monsterland.

Ronny also gives us the full story on what turned into a "life changing event" for Bill and Julie Penning. The discovery of a Sasquatch track and a report that caught the attention of the crew of Finding Bigfoot and led to an appearance on the show.

Some researchers aren't comfortable with the potential interconnection between various types of phenomena. Mention UFOs and Bigfoot in the same sentence and you'll see some eyes roll at the least, or fits of anger at the worse. I'm glad to see that's not the case in this book. It stood out to me that Le Blanc goes into his research with eyes wide open and seemingly without any preconceived notion of what the explanation may be. This is key to exploring such areas.

Monsterland, the area itself, is not a region that has received much attention or documentation so Le Blanc has done a great service to those who research such zones of high strangeness and unusual phenomena in general.

I recommend this book for those with an interest in Sasquatch, UFOs, and the interconnections of different types of phenomena. And of course, if you enjoy reading about zones of weird events, this is one to grab.

Personally, I'm now looking forward to a chance to go and explore Monsterland (the actual place) myself!"


                          - Author & Researcher DAVID WEATHERLY

"If – like me – you are a fan of the works of people such as John Keel, Linda Godfrey, and Rob Riggs, you really should get a copy of MONSTERLAND.


Even if you’re not, you should still invest in it, as it may very well cause you to reassess your views that Bigfoot, UFOs and strange lights have no connection...


If the stranger side of the Bigfoot mystery intrigues and fascinates you then MONSTERLAND is a great book to dive into. 


Encompassing weird encounters in the forests, Bigfoot and invisibility, the possibility that orbs are an intelligent life-form, the ways and means by which Ronny found himself plunged into a bizarre world of mystery and manipulation of a kind that John Keel knew all too well, mysterious characters, and conspiracy-filled accounts, MONSTERLAND makes for excellent, late night reading!"


                                        - AUTHOR NICK REDFERN


Monsterland Author Ronny LeBlanc and Author Nick Redfern
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