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Read It and Reap: Book details strange happenings in North Central Massachusetts

March 31, 2019

A few weeks ago, Ronny LeBlanc of Leominster sat behind a small table set up near the café at Barnes & Noble in Watertower Plaza. He sat behind a stack of paperbacks, each with the same spooky black cover featuring predatory cat eyes over a black background. Its title, “Monsterland.”

No (Le)Blanc Stares for Author at Fitchburg Schools' Monster Talks

November 08, 2018

FITCHBURG -- Local author Ronny LeBlanc had students in Fitchburg Public Schools on the edge of their seats.he Leominster-based writer who penned the 2016 book, "Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs," had his audiences captivated at Memorial Middle School and Goodrich Academy last week when discussing the supernatural.


Searching for the Supernatural in Leominster

October 22, 2018

LEOMINSTER -- The extraterrestrial universe is alive and well in Leominster, where aliens in flying saucers come to check in on their human counterparts.And, if you're in search of a spooky cider to quench your thirst this Halloween season, Monsterland cider, released Friday, will launch you into a supernatural universe, but the man who's behind the cider says there's some truth behind the name and the frightening tales coming out of his city.


Ronny LeBlanc makes the cover of the Boston Herald

October 21, 2018

Investigating Bigfoot prints, UFO sightings and paranormal activity is all in a day’s work for Ronny LeBlanc, author of “Monsterland,” a 2016 book that details unusual happenings in and around the city of Leominster, which is earning a reputation as a supernatural hot spot. LeBlanc, who has experienced several UFO sightings himself, said aliens are only stopping by to observe us before they quickly disappear into space.

Leominster Native Scares up Hard Cider

October 16, 2018

WESTMINSTER -- It's a great time to be in the monster business.Leominster native Ronny Le Blanc's book "Monsterland," which details the supernatural history of his hometown, was released in 2016 and he's since become something of a rising star in the realm of paranormal research.His book led to a monthly segment on WAAF and a podcast he co-hosts with Matty Blake, one half of the station's Matty & Nick afternoon show.


And now he even has his own brand of alcoholic cider.


Monsterland Monday's - UFO's at the Cape & Matty's Drunken Arguments with Children

August 21, 2017

UFO and Monster hunter, Ronny LeBlanc, stops by the 'Matty & Nick' show to discuss the latest sightings of UFO's and Matty's supernatural experiences down at the Cape.'s attention...

Monsterland Mondays and the Stiz Quiz

July 10, 2017

It's getting spooky, a breeze of cool wind enters the station, the studio lights begin flickering...and it's Ronny LeBlanc stopping by for another 'Monsterland' Monday! The guys talk about the latest UFO encounters, discovering Aliens in Peru to Kesha seeing flying objects in Joshua Park, CA.

Monsterland Monday - UFO's & The Smiley Face Killer

June 05, 2017

.Author Ronny LeBlanc stops by for his monthly 'Monsterland' Monday segment! The boys talked UFO's and The Smiley Face killer!

Monsterland Monday with Ronny LeBlanc - The Mystery of Roswell

April 17, 2017

3.27.2017 - 107.3 FM WAAF's Matty and Nick Appearance

March 27, 2017

RonRonny joins the boys to discuss a northern Idaho woman who claims to have seen a Sasquatch chasing a deer and the deer runs in front of her car and she ends up hitting it. The story went viral.


March 25, 2017

The MONSTERLAND Podcast is coming to iTunes!

Author Ronny Le Blanc returns to WAAF's Matty & Nick for 2 Hours!

March 21, 2017

Author Ronny Le Blanc returns to the Matty & Nick Show as their Paranormal expert. They talk about Flat Earth Theory and field calls from listeners. Ronny will now be making a regular appearance with the show on a weekly segment called MONSTERLAND MONDAYS.

Monsterland at Miranda' Book Signing

March 19, 2017

Sunday, March 19th from 12-4 - MONSTERLAND Book signing at Miranda's...where it all started! Come get a book, bring you book to get it signed and hang out and have some beers with myself, Bill Penning, Jon Wilk and the boys from the BFRO and Squatchachusetts who will be bringing down different Bigfoot casts from across the country. Hear some amazing encounters and stories or share you own with the BFRO...See you there!

SHIFT HAPPENS Podcast with GG and Cortana - Los Angeles, CA

March 14, 2017

Ronny joins KTLA The Fringe FM"s SHIFT HAPPENS PODCAST with GG and Cortana to talk about MONSTERLAND: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs and Synchronicity - A full hour and a half!

Author Ronny Le Blanc visits WAAF's 107.3 FM Matty and Blake Show

March 07, 2017

After Matty Blake reads Monsterland he brings in Author Ronny Le Blanc into the studio for 107.3 FM / WAAF's Matty & Nick Show to talk about his book Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs. They field calls from the listeners who want to talk about everything under the sun.

Exploring The Bizzare with Timothy Beckley and Tim R. Swartz

March 04, 2017

Author Ronny Le Blanc joins the show with Author Lon Strickler to talk about Monsters for 2 hours.

Monsterland reviewed by Author David Weatherly

December 29, 2016

One of the aspects within the paranormal that I find most intriguing, and that I often bring up in lectures, are concentrated areas of high strangness.

Called among other things, portal areas or window zones, these areas can be found around the world. Examples include England's Cannock Chase, Vermont's Bennington Triangle and the infamous Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.

Of course a new book about such an area is always of interest to me and I've just read one that fits the bill perfectly.
Monsterland by Ronny Le Blanc.

Barnes and Noble Book Signing of MONSTERLAND - DEC 17TH in Leominster

December 17, 2016

Author Ronny Le Blanc will be at Barnes & Noble - Leominster doing a book signing of MONSTERLAND on December 17th from 12PM-4PM. Come get your book signed!

Beyond Reality Radio 12.14.16

December 14, 2016

Going to be LIVE with Jason Dawes (Ghost Hunters TV Show) and his Radio Program this evening from 12AM-2AM.

Click on the link below to see the various radio stations where you can listen!

The Leominster Champion - Trying to Understand the Unexplained

December 08, 2016

The Leominster Champion Article about MONSTERLAND


"Trying to Understand the Unexplained"


November 20, 2016

Listen to Ronny Le Blanc on COAST TO COAST AM with Guest Host Jimmy Church

LIVE on FADE TO BLACK with Jimmy Church

November 16, 2016

#F2B #Monsterland


Interview with Alejandro Rojas of OPEN MINDS

November 03, 2016

Talking with Alejandro Rojas of OPEN MINDS about MONSTERLAND: Encounters with UFOs, BIgfoot and Orange Orbs...

Mysterious Universe - Monsterland Book Review - Nick Redfern

November 02, 2016

Monsterland – A New Book Reviewed

A few weeks ago I spoke at the annual Greater New England UFO Conference on the subject of the Men in Black. Also speaking at the gig was Ronny Le Blanc, who generously gave me a review copy of his 2016 book, Monsterland: Encounters with UFOs, Bigfoot and Orange Orbs. As you can probably guess from

The Sentinel and Enterprise - Front Page - Halloween

October 31, 2016

LEOMINSTER -- Growing up in Leominster, Ronny LeBlanc never questioned where the name "Monsterland" came from. To him, it was what kids called the part of town where they went to ride dirt bikes.

It wasn't until he reached adulthood that LeBlanc realized there was more to it than that.

UFOCLASSIFIED.COM with Erika Lukes KCOR Digital Radio - Las Vegas

October 14, 2016



Erica Lukes is a UAP Researcher, Director of  Unexplained Utah , an organization dedicated to scientifically researching all aspects of of the unknown. 


Join her Friday nights on UFO Classified. UFO Classified is  most informative and progressive radio show about the UFO topic. Erica Lukes brings in guests who add value and perspective to a complex subject.


These are the world's top researchers, historians and witnesses who want to uncover the truth not only about about Unidentified Flying Objects but the implications for humanity.

Her guests are the most respected in their field including world renowned researchers, historians and witnesses.  

The Hill-Man Morning Show - PODCAST - SEPTEMBER 23RD!

September 23, 2016


Talking about the book MONSTERLAND

BEFORE ITS NEWS: ...Some Believe Bigfoot is an Alien...

October 21, 2015

At the recent Greater New England UFO Conference, held in Leominster, MA., not only were little green men discussed, but big hairy men as well. It’s no secret that a recent topic in the bigfoot community has been the association of orbs and portals with sasquatch. While it has been long believed bigfoot is a flesh and blood creature that just hides really well, some have come to believe that bigfoot are actually aliens that have the ability to travel through multi-dimensional portals.


“It used to be that the UFO people didn’t talk to the ghost people because they were a little weird, and nobody would talk to the Bigfoot people because they were crazy,” Hall said. “I found out, we cannot continue to do that. In reality, quantum physics is leading us there.”

It is not a new theory: Writing for Huffington Post, Dr. Franklin Ruehl notes such sightings date back to the late 1800s.


In modern times, it is a theory that dates back to 1973, but one that is grabbing hold as more and more Bigfoot hunters are reporting run ins with what is known as the orange orbs. Those are fast moving lights that one may think are alien in nature, but seen in areas associated with Bigfoot... Is Bigfoot an extraterrestrial visitor? Some researchers think so...

October 19, 2015

If the alien theory is true, it solves one of cryptozoology's biggest unanswered questions: If Bigfoot is real, where are the bodies? Where are the animal carcasses left behind?

The Leominster Champion: 2015 Greater New England UFO Conference with Richard Dolan

October 17, 2015

The Greater New England UFO Conference will be held from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16 and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 17 at Leominster City Hall, 25 West St., Leominster.

Friday admission is $10 (children under 12 are $5), and includes a lecture on Leominster-area Bigfoot experiences by local author Ronny LeBlanc and researcher Billy Penning.

Come meet Saturday’s speakers and UFO vendors. Saturday admission is $25 (children under 12 are $10), and includes lectures by keynote speaker Richard Dolan, from the History Channel’s TV show “Hangar 1,” who will speak at 3 p.m., MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Executive Director Jan Harzan, Rey Hernandez, MUFON video and photo expert Marc D’Antonio, Bill Hall, Roxie Zwicker, and Paul and Ben Eno.

MASSLIVE.COM: Photos of 2015 Greater New England UFO Conference

October 16, 2015

The 2015 Greater New England UFO Conference, Leominster, Massachusetts

The Boston Globe: UFO Conference in Leominster draws true believers...

October 17, 2015

Why was Leominster chosen for this event?

Ronny LeBlanc, 41, who is writing a book about a section of Leominster he dubbed “Monsterland,” said residents frequently report odd sightings of UFOs and Bigfoot creatures, which often seemed to disappear suddenly, as if into another dimension.

BOSTON.COM: Meet the Westford woman who’s organized a local UFO conference

October 16, 2015

A Westford woman who believes in aliens — but has never seen one herself — organized a conference to bring those who have experience with extraterrestrial life together, according to Wicked Local.

The Greater New England UFO Conference, which was put together by Susan Spuhler, will take place from October 16-17 at Leominster City Hall. That’s not far from where Spuhler’s mother once saw a spaceship or flying saucer soar over their home in the 1960s, she told Wicked Local.

Sentinel and Enterprise: UFO conference comes to Leominster

October 08, 2015

In 1992, Jonathan Wilk, who runs Team Squatchachusetts, 

was working as a park ranger, and while on duty, what he called a "young one" ran in front of his truck.

Which was soon followed by a 9-foot-tall Bigfoot that let out a horrifying scream, he said.

"It happened, and it was done in five seconds," he said.

Before this happened, he had no interest in crypto-zoology, he said.

"I wasn't looking for Bigfoot," he said.

He said he's never forgotten that encounter, and believes the Bigfoot is likely some kind of elusive hominid that merely wants to be left alone.

"I think they want nothing to do with us," he said.

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The Leominster Champion - A SIGHTING UNSEEN

January 13, 2012

Who would ever have imagined that an innocent hike in Leominster State Forest on a warm day earlier this year would lead to a discovery that brought three Leominster residents to be featured on one of televisions hottest new shows.


Bill Penning and his wife, Julie decided to take a hike one June afternoon, and after setting out their planned route, got slightly waylaid on a different path.


“We were just walking and talking, heading up to Notown Reservoir when the path split. I wasn’t sure which path to take, so we choose one and started walking on it,” Bill began.


He said they continued walking on the path when they began to hear movement in the surrounding forest...


January 08, 2012

LEOMINSTER -- After a close encounter on a sultry summer day in June 2010, Bill and Julie Penning are believers in one of the most mythical creatures of North America.

"I believe I found footprints of Bigfoot," Bill Penning said Friday.

Julie Penning is willing to debunk the Bigfoot legend, but she's found no credible evidence to disprove what she and her husband found in the Leominster State Forest."If somebody can scientifically tell me what it is, I'll listen," Julie Penning said.


The rest of the country will get to hear their tale on Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot" television show tonight at 10.

"I'm a little nervous about it," Julie Penning said. "I haven't told anyone at work."

With the help of their friend Ronny Le Blanc, they took a plaster casting of what they believe is a Bigfoot's footprint.

Julie Penning is a special education teacher at the Florence Sawyer School in Bolton, and Bill Penning is a facilities manager for Progress Software in Bedford. In a city where the area around Jungle Road and Route 117 was once known as Monsterland and parents would scare their misbehaving children with stories of creatures walking on their hind legs in the woods, the thought of a Bigfoot roaming around at least fits, the couple said.

They each had the day off on June 27, 2010, and decided to a hike through the Leominster State Forest even though temperatures were soaring into the upper 90s because they figured it would be cooler than lying on the beach.

"We're not out there looking for anything weird, we're just hiking," Bill Penning said.

He is an outdoorsman who hunts and rides four-wheelers but the couple took a wrong path in the woods as they walked toward Notown Reservoir. Suddenly there was a loud crashing of something going through the nearby underbrush.

"I assumed we spooked a deer and it would jump out in front of us," Bill Penning said.

But nothing came out on the trail and the couple kept going until reaching the power lines where they realized the underbrush blocked their way to the reservoir. They sat down for lunch before doubling back. When they reached the point at which they heard the noise earlier, there were large tracks of bare feet coming in and out of the brush line along with deer prints.

Neither set of prints had been there an hour earlier when they passed.

"They were so deep and so far apart it was shocking," Bill Penning said of the footprints. "Who would be up there randomly on a Tuesday afternoon running barefoot?"

It appeared whatever made the prints weighed several hundred pounds with strides were about 6 1/2 feet long.

"Right where the footprints ended, the deer prints ended so we figured he scooped it up," Bill Penning said.

The couple got so unnerved by the oddity of the sighting that Bill Penning picked up a rock for protection.

As they studied the tracks, the couple had the sense of being watched and left.

Bill Penning's brother Kevin introduced them to Bigfoot believer Ronny Le Blanc about 10 days later.

Le Blanc has been interested in Bigfoot since he was a child reading about unexplained mysteries at Leominster Public Library.

"I've always been fascinated (but) never in my wildest dreams, with Monsterland in my backyard, did I imagine," he said. The three of them decided to go back to the area of the sighting to take pictures and get a plaster molding.

"Sure enough, the footprints are still there," Bill Penning said. Within minutes young people on four-wheelers came by and would have torn up the prints if the small expedition were not there to protect them.


They mixed the plaster too thin so rather than waiting for it to set, they dug up the ground around the print and took the dirt and drying plaster home. The print is not only about 11 inches long but is nearly six inches wide.

"And this thing is a good 2 1/2 inches deep," Le Blanc said. Rather than being a static footprint, the print indicates whoever or whatever made it was pushing off as if in motion, Bill Penning said.

The print would indicate the Bigfoot is a female or adolescent. Bigfoot researchers believe female prints are 10-14 inches and grown males are 17-19 inches, Bill Penning said. He and Le Blanc took the casting to a town hall meeting of Bigfoot enthusiasts in Covington, R.I. that was arranged by Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization which is featured on the Animal Planet television show.


"I was the only one there with a footprint," Bill Penning said.

Producer Aaron Steele was excited by the cast of the footprint and decided to bring the cast and crew to Leominster to film a re-enactment Sept. 15. About 20 people spent a rainy day filming the segment with the Pennings and Le Blanc."This has been quite an adventure for us," Bill Penning said.

Neither Steele nor the show's lead investigator Matt Moneymaker could be reached for comment.

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